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2022年3月7日 - 7分钟阅读

One of the leading 爵士乐 bassists of the past 50 years, 约翰Patitucci, 在欧文的康考迪亚大学当了将近一个星期的驻校艺术家, teaching 学生 a variety of skills, 和 presenting two concerts.

“我不知道这所学校曾经接待过一位如此强大的国际音乐家, award-winning resume,” says Steve Young, Concordia University Irvine’s director of 商业音乐, who met Patitucci 25 years ago at church. “John is superwarm, genuine, 和 caring. He’s very funny 和 is also a really strong believer. 他以一种真实的方式,用自己的信仰引领了世俗音乐的世界,在这方面做得很好. Everybody respects him.”

Patitucci, a longtime studio musician 和 live player, has earned multiple Grammys with various b和s. 今年,他与乐队成员奇克·科雷亚(Chick Corea, 2021年2月去世)和鼓手戴夫·韦克尔(Dave Weckl)合作的Akoustic B和 LIVE专辑获得了格莱美最佳爵士唱片奖提名. 作为一名录音室音乐家,帕蒂图奇与B. B. 王, 邦尼·, 乔治·本森, 迪兹·吉莱斯皮, 戴夫Grusin, 娜塔莉·科尔, 邦乔维乐队, 刺痛, 奎恩·拉提法, 卡莉·西蒙.



“I was mentored by a lot of amazing elders, especially in music, so I feel like I need to mentor 和 encourage people, 太, because that changed my life,” Patitucci said. “I am proud of what Steve [Young] is doing. I’m enjoying working with the 学生.”

Patitucci spent four days on campus in January, teaching master classes for student-musicians, specific master classes for bass players, 还有课程 爵士乐商业音乐 学生. 这一周的高潮是两场音乐会,帕蒂图奇与著名钢琴家艾伦·帕斯夸(Alan Pasqua)共同演出, who also led a piano master class, 和 legendary 爵士乐 drummer Joe LaBarbera. One concert featured a straight ahead 爵士乐 trio, 另一个是爵士和室内乐的融合,由来自 Concordia Sinfonietta.

帕蒂图奇说:“我参加大师班和实习已经很长时间了。. “当你的时间有限时,你必须把重点放在不可谈判的事情上. 为音乐家, 这是节奏, 良好的生产, 表达式, playing with a strong feel, emotional playing, 和 sensitivity 和 listening to the players around you.”

Theory alone doesn’t cut it, he says.

"What audiences 和 musicians react to is the sound, your rhythmic feel, 你的时间, how sensitive you are. 他们不会问你理论之类的问题,并不是说你不应该知道。. “当你和其他人在一起时,成功的人是那些善于倾听的人. You have to learn how to listen."

What audiences 和 musicians react to is the sound, your rhythmic feel, 你的时间, how sensitive you are. … You have to learn how to listen.

Listening means getting a feel for the song, 有节奏地, musically 和 lyrically, he taught 学生.

“你会感受到歌曲的节奏和节奏, the place where the lyrics have space to breathe,他说. “You’re listening for the message: what is the song about? … There are a lot of things you have to key in on. How do we make the music rise up? In pop music, the verse is leading to the chorus. It’s the payoff, the most important thing in the song. Sometimes it’ll rise up in intensity.”

回忆起他在20世纪一些最好的爵士乐队中的许多年, 他讲述了乐队成员之间的关系如何提升音乐,以至于“整体大于部分”.”

“It’s infinitely greater, exponential,” he said. “学生们必须接受这样一个事实:如果他们愿意支持别人,给别人留出空间, 每个人都在发挥他们最好的水平,音乐将会有一百万倍的力量,因为有空间让一切发生.”

Maximus Upchurch, a sophomore 商业音乐 major from Wake Forest, 北卡罗莱纳, plays piano 和 percussion instruments like xylophone, 钟, 编钟, 三角形, 和 wood block in the orchestra. 他说,帕蒂图奇的课程打动了他的心,改变了他和其他学生一起玩耍的方式.

厄普丘奇说:“作为一支乐队,我们现在非常熟悉彼此之间的联系. “我在我们的商业音乐和崇拜中看到了不同,我们正在脱离我们的音乐, looking up at each other while playing, 不要把它看作是单独的东西,而是我们如何创作一首歌并将其融合在一起. That changes so much about a song 和 what is being played.”

帕蒂图奇的职业生涯始于20世纪70年代末,当时他在洛杉矶进行了一次会议工作.A. In 1985, he l和ed a permanent gig with Chick Corea’s b和, 并与其他爵士名人如赫比·汉考克和韦恩·肖特一起演奏和巡演, an all-time great 爵士乐 saxophone player.

Throughout the decades, 帕蒂图奇一直在教会敬拜乐队演奏,并担任平信徒的领导职务, including as an elder.

约翰Patitucci 和 CUI music 学生 rehearse.


“Sometimes people are scared to show who they are, being authentic in the moment, taking a chance to do something,他说. “It doesn’t always mean playing more notes. It’s about being vulnerable. 韦恩·肖特说过一句我很喜欢的话:“有时候音乐家会躲在乐器后面.他们不会为了你演奏的曲子的更大利益而挺身而出. All this stuff takes time. This is hard-fought wisdom. It doesn’t happen tomorrow. You have to fail a couple times.”

艾弗里·史密斯是一名正在学习萨克斯管和巴松管的高级演奏家 音乐教育他是在第一场音乐会上与三重奏一起演奏的十几名学生之一.

“约翰对我和其他人说,‘继续发展你的语言. Listen to other greats 和 imitate them,’” Smith says. “That’s where I am now. I’m developing my language, not just playing what’s on the page, but saying something with the way I play.”

Patitucci gave her “a really sweet compliment,” she says. “He said, ‘You have a great sound. Never sell your horn.’ That was special,” says Smith.

At Concordia University Irvine, 甚至音乐会的排练也向想要观察和学习的学生开放.

“约翰的罕见之处在于他对音乐线条的把握非常流利,”杨说. “He can play any style at the highest level. He’s a musician’s musician in that way.”

Jeff Held, assistant dean of the School of Arts 和 Sciences他称帕蒂图奇的驻校是“康考迪亚音乐项目扩张的重要组成部分”.”

“约翰·帕蒂图奇一直是一位理想的驻场艺术家,”赫尔德说. “He talks about how his faith centers his artistic approach, shows how he interacts with other musicians with camaraderie, 并讨论了世界一流的职业道德和终身学习音乐的方法,使他成为最好的之一.”

最近, Patitucci has been scoring films, 写“各种各样的音乐”,表演原创室内乐——包括在纽约市的林肯中心, 和 the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. He continues to write 爵士乐 pieces, 他是一名兼职音乐家,并在他所在的纽约教堂的敬拜乐队中演奏. Patitucci’s brother is a pastor in Northern California.


“Character is a big deal,他说. “我记得我认识一些很有天赋但很难相处的音乐家. 他们中的许多人从来没有得到他们应该拥有的创造性机会和事业,因为他们很难相处超过五分钟. That goes right along with character development. 如果我们说自己是基督徒,想要效法基督,你就得说到做到. You can’t fake that.”

Sophomore Maximus Upchurch gets tips from
pianist Alan Pasqua.

贝斯手尤其被称为仆人式领导,“在音乐中扮演基础性和支持性的角色”,他说. “促进和设置人们真正发挥他们最好的低音是非常重要的工作描述. The rhythm has to be strong, the sound has to be great, 和 you really have to learn how to read music. Your ears have to be strong.”

Concordia’s Wind Orchestra 还举办了波士顿流行乐团首席号手的驻地演出, 特里艾弗森, 和 composer Jim Stephenson in the fall. 杨说,音乐系将继续举办大型音乐会, 以加深康考迪亚大学欧文分校音乐系学生的学习经验.

“This is the kind of thing we do,” Young says. “我们从音乐世界的不同角落引进人才,让我们的学生接触到各种不同类型的卓越.”
