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运动科学 Emphasis

School of 艺术s and Sciences



  • 文科核心
  • 39-44单位
  • ART 311: 艺术 历史 I
  • 3

This is a survey course of Western art from the Prehistoric Period through the Renaissance, employing illustrated lectures, independent 研究, 博物馆参观, 和讨论. This class is offered alternate years in the spring semester.


  • ART 312: 艺术 历史 II
  • 3

这门课程是对从文艺复兴到20世纪的西方艺术的概览,采用插图授课, independent 研究, 博物馆参观 和讨论. This class is offered alternate years in the spring semester.

  • CENG 201: World 文学 to the Renaissance
  • 3

本课程将通过比较和跨学科分析,着重于批判性思维和研究性写作. Alongside lectures and class discussion, the study of representative great works of Western and non-Western literature from Antiquity, 中世纪, and the Renaissance will emphasize the 文学, 文化, and religious significance of these texts. Co-requisite: 因此201年; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take 201年曾 as an unlinked course.

  • COM 324: Inter文化 Communication
  • 3

语言沟通过程中的社会和文化变量以及解决跨文化环境中沟通问题的策略,重点是感知等变量, 角色, 语言代码, and nonverbal communication will be examined in this course.

  • HST 410:神话
  • 3

The reception of classical antiquity depends on both the stories the ancients told themselves, as well as their interpretation and reinscription in subsequent times and places. 这门课程追溯了现代人对塑造文明的最早记录的故事所欠下的债务, 既要在自己的历史背景下欣赏这些故事,也要考虑后来时代的反应(包括那些认同古代的和那些假设古代异化的), 在对古典传统的当代文化唤起的批判性思考中达到高潮. 先决条件: 因此201年 or 因此202年 or HST 201.

  • HUM 495: Senior Project (1-3 units)
  • 1

In this capstone course students will meet with an instructor once per week in order to formulate, 研究, and discuss an appropriate topic for their written project. Topics must be interdisciplinary, combining their emphasis within the major with another discipline within the major. 先决条件: Liberal 艺术s major and senior standing.

  • MUS 352: 音乐 of World Cultures -OR- MUS 482: 音乐 Cultures: 音乐al Expression in Christianity
  • 3

MUS 352:世界文化音乐-这门课程将向学生介绍音乐作为一种普遍的文化现象和民族音乐学的学科,并接触到民间的音乐和社会方面, 传统的, and art music of regions from Asia, 非洲, 中东, 欧洲, 拉丁美洲, 和北美. Experience in music is encouraged but not required.


MUS 482: 音乐 Cultures: 音乐al Expression in Christianity - This course will survey of the role, 发展, 以及音乐在基督教会中的作用,从旧约到现在, with attention given to biblical, 神学, 社会, and 文化 considerations. Offered alternate years.

  • REL 321: World Religions
  • 3

This survey course of the world's major non-Christian religions will include motifs, 信仰模式, 仪式和崇拜, 道德, 社会模式, origin and 发展, and sacred writings.

  • THR 251: Introduction to 剧院
  • 3

This course will provide an overview of the various conventions, 形式, 风格, and genres of the theatre, including principles of play analysis and exploration of theatre criticism from dramaturgical, 文学, and 文化 perspectives through the thematic discussions of representative plays. There may be an additional charge for required field trips.

  • 运动科学 Emphasis
  • 18个单位
  • KIN 225: Principles of Weight Training and Cross Training
  • 3

当学生学习如何测试时,本课程将探讨从理论到实践的力量训练方法和有氧交叉训练方法, 设计, and implement strength training and aerobic cross training programs for sport and fitness. 先决条件: KIN majors and minors only; non-KIN majors and minors must have consent of department chair.

  • KIN 304: Motor Learning and Control
  • 3

本课程将概述影响和决定运动技能学习和产生的重要行为理论. 包括学习理论和运动控制理论,以及理论在运动表现中的应用.

  • KIN 325: Exercise Testing and Prescription
  • 3

这是一个国家力量和健康委员会(NCSF)批准的课程,为那些想要高级个人训练认证. Topics will include functional anatomy; health and fitness screening and assessment; cardiovascular assessment and prescription; strength and power assessment and prescription; nutrition and weight management. 先决条件: 金225 or consent of department chair.

  • Choose three of the following courses:
  • KIN 305: Motor Development
  • 3

本课程将学习从出生到成年的运动技能和身体发育,重点是婴儿期, 童年, and adolescence including neurological, 生理, 知识, 社会, and emotional factors that influence gross and fine movement activities.

  • KIN 306: Nutritional Sciences
  • 3

本课程将探讨与活跃个体的健康和营养研究相关的问题. 本课程将分析概念和争议,并强调当前营养文献中研究和临床研究的重要性. 学生还将研究和讨论有关营养在整体健康和健康生活方式中的作用的关键概念.

  • KIN 307: Exercise and Gerontology
  • 3

本课程将Explore关于衰老影响的最新循证研究,并将使学生熟悉衰老对生理的影响,因为它与身体发育的下降有关, cardiovascular and pulmonary functioning, and muscular strength and power. 本课程还将介绍运动技能下降的影响,以及与衰老相关的其他生理-心理关系.

  • KIN 330: Lifestyle Medicine and Wellness
  • 3

This course will explore the 研究 evidence for lifestyle effects on health and wellness including; nutrition, 液体, 体育活动, 压力, 抑郁症, 幸福, 睡眠, 疼痛管理, and addiction; issues in health literacy; lifestyle effects on behavior change and motivation; and the role of lifestyle on chronic disease. 学生将学习理解健康和医疗保健的另一种方式,而不是典型的按服务付费或照顾病人的医疗保健模式.

  • KIN 344: Health and Wellness Programming
  • 3

本课程涵盖了工作场所健康促进计划的设计和实施,以及这些计划对雇员和雇主的好处. 学生将回顾各种健康风险评估和计划基于理论的激励方案,旨在促进积极的生活方式. 将通过健康辅导课程提供学习行为改变模型和方法的机会.

  • KIN 364: Exercise Psychology
  • 3

本课程将着重通过心理学的考试,从心理学的角度理解运动行为, psycho-生理, and 社会 factors that influence 体育活动 participation and performance; how participating in 体育活动 and exercise affect psychological well-being; and the theoretical, 方法论的, and applied approaches to a variety of topics related to exercise psychology.

  • KIN 393: Practicum: Kinesiology
  • 3

This course is a practical, hands-on experience outside the classroom directly related to the student's major, 辅修课程或专业课程是对学生学术经验的有益补充. Offered at a Pass/No Pass course.

当前的学生, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该专业的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成专业的目录年的要求. 请参阅 学术目录 for official requirements you must meet to qualify for a degree.
